A Dark Abyss. Stare into it Deeply.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Moon Day

Rune: Perthro
#4 in the Cycle of Initiation indicating initiation, something hidden

Ætt: Heimdall

Aspect: Murkstave

Do not expect too much. Perthro wants you to call on all your scattered energies and concentrate on your own life at this time. Perthro also warns against dwelling in the Past or Future too much. By doing so, you are robbing yourself of the present. Remember to persevere. In doing so you strengthen your character and the inner-self.

This week...

This week I'll be doing the Runic Cross. It's a 6 Rune spread that gives massive amounts of insight. Check it out at the link below, and please leave any comments.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sun Day Reminder...

Don't forget to check out the world of Rune Lore at 
The Mind of Guido at:

and leave a comment at:

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturn Day Interpretation

The Three Rune Spread

The number 'three.' figures prominently in the divinatory practices of the ancients. The Three Rune Spread which, according to Tacitus, was already in use 2,000 years ago, is satisfactory for all but the most extended and intricate readings.

With an issue clearly in mind, select three Runes, one at a time, and place them, in order of selection, from right to left.

Once you have selected the Runes, they will lie before you in this fashion, reading from the right:

1. The first Rune speaks to the Situation as it is.
This is a time of disruption, of chaos. But realize that nothing moves forward unless it is on the edge. The coming of change is not external, but internal. Be watchful (Heimdall) and accept the disruption with the realization that positive change is in the works.

2. The second Rune (center) suggests the course of action called for.
Again, Heimdall is calling for watchfulness. Be aware that this disruption can lead to a desire to draw back, to retreat. Realize that it is not a withdrawal of fear, but a centering of the Self.

3. The third Rune (on the left) indicates the New situation that will evolve, after you have successfully met your challenge.
You have met your challenge, and are better for it.

Cycle of Initiation
Moon Day/Hagalaz/#10
Frey Day/Dagaz/#13
There is a mild indication that a message, and an indication of change is present. And the readiness that comes with it.



The Ættir indicate watchfulness, being aware that change is in the air. It is right and correct, but difficult (as all change is). The outcome can only be for the good, the right, the just.  

Friday, February 25, 2011

Frey Day

Rune: Dagaz
#13 in the Cycle of Initiation indicating breakthrough, transformation, a successful conclusion to your passage.

Ætt: Tyr

Aspect: Murkstave

A completion, ending, limit, coming full circle. 
Do not collapse yourself into the future, which is reckless.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Odin's Quest for the Runes


The Words of Odin the High One
from the Elder or Poetic Edda
(Sæmund's Edda)
translated by Olive Bray
and edited by
D. L. Ashliman

I trow I hung on that windy Tree
nine whole days and nights,
stabbed with a spear, offered to Odin,
myself to mine own self given,
high on that Tree of which none hath heard
from what roots it rises to heaven.


None refreshed me ever with food or drink,
I peered right down in the deep;
crying aloud I lifted the Runes
then back I fell from thence.


Nine mighty songs I learned from the great
son of Bale-thorn, Bestla's sire;
I drank a measure of the wondrous Mead,
with the Soulstirrer's drops I was showered.


Ere long I bare fruit, and throve full well,
I grew and waxed in wisdom;
word following word, I found me words,
deed following deed, I wrought deeds.


Hidden Runes shalt thou seek and interpreted signs,
many symbols of might and power,
by the great Singer painted, by the high Powers fashioned,
graved by the Utterer of gods.


For gods graved Odin, for elves graved Daïn,
Dvalin the Dallier for dwarfs,
All-wise for Jötuns, and I, of myself,
graved some for the sons of men.


Dost know how to write, dost know how to read,
dost know how to paint, dost know how to prove,
dost know how to ask, dost know how to offer,
dost know how to send, dost know how to spend?


Better ask for too little than offer too much,
like the gift should be the boon;
better not to send than to overspend.
Thus Odin graved ere the world began;
Then he rose from the deep, and came again.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wotan's Day

Rune: Sowilo

Ætt: Heimdall

Aspect: Reversed

Although this Rune has no Reversed position, there is reason for caution. You may see fit to withdraw, to retreat in the face of a pressing situation, especially if events or people are demanding that you expend your energy now. Know that such a retreat is a retreat in strength, and that it can indicate the need for a voyage inward for centering, for balance. Timely retreat is among the skills of the Spiritual Warrior.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reaveling the Unseen

From The Complete Illustrated Guide to Runes By Nigel Pennick

Life is uncertain, even under the best conditions, and people have always looked for ways of finding out what the future holds. Over time, many methods of prediction have been developed, which have included the visionary techniques of shamans, soothsayers, and clairvoyants. Their visions, however, are intensely personal. We have no independent check on what they say. Everything depends on their personal credibility. We only have their word for their personal “revelations,” and we cannot know how honest they are –they may only be telling us what we want to hear.

Divination is different, because it gives actual results that anyone can achieve and see. We do not need special psychic abilities to interpret what is there in front of us. The Runs are there, we can read them. Only our interpretation is personal. Runic divination tells us the present state of things, revealing unseen factors and trends, giving us a wider view of where we are. Because the results are symbolic, Runic divination gives us a new perspective. They enable us to develop strategies for dealing with possible coming events.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Moon Day

Rune: Hagalaz
#10 in the Cycle of Initiation indicating Disruption, Elemental Power

Ætt: Heimdall

Aspect: Brightstave

Change, freedom, invention and liberation are all attributes of this Rune. Drawing it indicates a pressing need within the psyche to break free from constricting identification with material reality and to experience the world of archetypal mind.

The Rune of elemental disruption, of events that seem to be totally beyond your control, Hagalaz has only an upright position, and yet it always operates through reversal. When you draw this Rune, expect disruption, for it is the great Awakener, although the form the awakening takes may vary.

Perhaps you will experience a gradual feeling of coming to your senses, as though you were emerging from a long sleep. Then again, the onset of power may be such as to rip away the fabric of what you previously knew as your reality, your security, your understanding of yourself, your work, relationships or beliefs.

Be aware, however, that what operates here is not ultimately an outside force, not a situation of you-at-the-mercy-of-externals. Your own nature is creating what is happening, and you are not without power. The strength you have funded until now in your life is your support and guide at a time when everything you've taken for granted is being challenged.

Receiving this Rune alerts you: you may sustain loss or damage - a relationship fails, plans go awry, a source of supply dries up. But do not be dismayed; you are forewarned and, therefore, encouraged to understand and accept what occurs as necessary for your growth.

The more severe the disruption in your life, the more significant and timely the requirements for your growth. Another of the Cycle Runes, the term 'radical discontinuity' best describes the action of Hagalaz at its most forceful. The universe and your own soul are demanding that you do, indeed, grow.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sun Day Reminder...

Don't forget to check out the world of Rune Lore at 
The Mind of Guido at:

and leave a comment at:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturn Day

The Five Rune Spread

1. This is the Rune of the present and will show your issue as it is now. It can also show your state of mind.
The old is passing away, making room for the new. While something new can be fearful, it is necessary.

2. Signifies the past and will tell you what was in the past that caused you to be in your current position.
The old has been left behind, making way for the new. It is time to prepare, to till the soil.

3. This indicates the help that you can expect to receive in the issue at hand.
The help received is hidden . It is from within.

4. Indicates what aspects of the issue must be accepted and cannot be changed. Positive Runes here show a lack of troublesome influences and oppositions, while negative Runes show the obstacles to your success.
There is a sense of frustration, of futility. Accept that there will be times of stasis with the realization that the harvest will come.

5. The Rune to the right of center is the result Rune. This Rune indicates the final outcome, given the other factors in the Rune cast.
The old has passed away, making way for the new. The soil has been tilled. New growth has come. A stronger sense of self as been attained, learning to listen to the truth inside us all.

Cycle of Initiation
There is a mild indication that a message, and indication of change is present. And the readiness that comes with it.



A beginning of watchfulness, of prepared waiting.
Strong indications of fertility, of “the time being right” for growth and rebirth. A time of joyous anticipation.
An ending of confident self-sacrifice, of a sense of “doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do”.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Frey Day

Rune: Ingwaz

#6 in the Cycle of Initiation indicating fertility and new beginnings

Ætt: Tyr

Aspect: Brightstave
This Rune is akin to the moon, the intuitive part of our nature, with its urge toward harmonizing and adjusting in the sphere of personal relationships. Ingwaz embodies the need to share, the yearning to be desired, a search after similarities.

The completion of beginnings is what Ingwaz requires. It may mark a time of joyous deliverance, of new life, a new path. A Rune of great power, drawing it means that you now have the strength to achieve completion, resolution, from which comes a new beginning. Above all, completion is crucial here. It may be timely that you complete some project now; if so, make that your first priority. Perhaps a difficult state of mind can be resolved, clarified, turned around. Drawing this Rune indicates that you must fertilize the ground for your own deliverance.

All things change and we cannot live permanently amid obstructions. Ingwaz signals your emergence from a closed chrysalis state. As you resolve and clear away the old, you will experience a release from tension and uncertainty.

You may be required to free yourself from a rut, habit or relationship; from some deep cultural or behavioral pattern, some activity that was quite proper to the self you are leaving behind. The period at or just before birth is often a dangerous one. Movement involves danger, yet movement that is timely leads out of danger. Now it is time to enter the delivery room.

Another of the Cycle Runes, Ingwaz counsels preparation. Being centered and grounded, freeing yourself from all unwanted influences, and seeing the humor, you are indeed prepared to open yourself to the will of Heaven, and can await your deliverance with calm certainty.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thor's Day

Rune: Anzus
#1 in the Cycle of Initiation indicating signals. It is the Messenger Rune

Ætt: Frey

Aspect: Reversed
You may be concerned over what appears to be failed communication, lack of clarity or awareness either in your past history or in a present situation. You may feel inhibited from accepting what is offered. A sense of futility, of wasted motion, may overwhelm you. Remember, however, that what is happening is timely for your process. If the well is clogged, this is the moment for cleaning out the old. Reversed, this Rune is saying: consider the uses of adversity.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wotan's Day

Rune: Wunjo

Ætt: Frey

Aspect: Murkstave
Everything is a test. Examine yourself and your motives. Don't dwell on sadness, loneliness and aloofness. There is blockage. Things are slow coming to fruition. A crisis or difficult time is at hand. Consideration and deliberation are called for at this time. Tread slowly and carefully, proceed with caution. It is time to re-evaluate your current position, to reflect and meditate.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tiw's Day

Rune: Gebo

Ætt: Frey

Aspect: Brightstave
Drawing this Rune is an indication that partnership in some form is at hand. But you are alerted not to collapse yourself into that union. For true partnership is only achieved by separate and whole beings who retain their uniqueness even as they unite. This counsel applies at all levels: in love relationships, in business matters, in partnering of every kind, remember to let the winds of Heaven dance between you.

There is another realm of partnership that we are being called to consider. For the path of partnership can lead you to the realization of a still greater union - union with the Higher Self, union with the Divine. The ultimate gift of this Rune is the realization of the Divine in all things: God always enters into equal partnerships.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Moon Day

The Runic Half Month of Sowilo runs through 2/27/11

Rune: Eihwaz

Ætt: Heimdall

Aspect: Brightstave
"The Death Rune".
Spirituality: Death is not to be feared, but seen as a step in the evolution of the soul.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sun Day reminder....

Don't forget to check out the world of Rune Lore at The Mind of Guido at:
and leave a comment at: